Thursday, January 20, 2011


I had another short spurt of creativity while sitting at the subs' table on the Herald in Port Elizabeth around the middle of the first decade of this century. These are some of the products.

Being unposed, these sketches are quick and succinct. Here I captured John Harvey leaning on a desk in 2005.

A veteran in the profession, here Pat Sydie contemplates the computer screen.

Who the heck was this? I can only think it is Marlene McCall, but I can't recall her ever having such short hair.

This guy is another mystery. Again, the image is somewhat elongated thanks to errors of parallax while working on a horizontal surface (namely a desktop).

This was done on the same piece of A3 paper and seems to be a quicker sketch of the same character - but still I can't place him.

There's no mistaking this oke. It's my old colleague Mike Oettle. Again, at the top, I have done a quick version. It is interesting to see the distortions which occur.

Short and rotund, Sam Majela is one of the Herald photographers. Here he holds a cup of tea.

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